Yeah, I know it's been since this summer since I posted. That's what happens when you start traveling and then school starts back.
Life recently looks like this:
So, I've been dreaming of summer days that looked like this:
I really had been wishing for snow this summer, especially after seeing all the NC Christmas Day snow posts. Their snow was SO beautiful. It just looked so calm and peaceful- a winter wonderland with white trees and deer tracks. Well, we have our snow! Blizzard 2011 followed by Snow storm #2, complete with thundersnow and 40+ mph winds with blowing snow and -20 wind chill. How peaceful. Thank youuuuuu, Oklahoma! :)
But, I was able to have lots of quiet time around our little house. I did all sorts of paperwork and schoolwork that needed to be done...and managed to find more EVERY DAY. I don't know if it's me or the job, but there's always something to be done. And sometimes, it's not school work.
For example,
I did a little vacation planning for our trip to San Fran this summer. Restaurants bookmarked, hotels scouted, etc. I thought about other summer fun such as redesigning our living room, getting a puppy, and making curtains.
Of course, I cooked. Tried looking at the "I have one egg left in the fridge" as a sign from God not to bake. But then the roads cleared before storm #2 and I saw THAT as a sign from God to go get more.
Watched so much NCAA basketball. We don't have cable so thank goodness for ESPN3 that I rely on for my favorite time of year. We know ACC games aren't going to be local here in OKC, so I would have been driving ol' Shifty the F150 all over town trying to find THAT place that would let me change the channel. (Not that I haven't done that many. times.) All for Duke basketball. CRAZY WIN THIS WEEK. (can't stand UNC.)
I read my magazines. Each year the music department at DC does a magazine sale as a fundraiser. I kindly take the time to support...and buy magazines that I don't have time to read. But I read them ALL this month! I just love Southern Living. Great recipes, great houses, great local info...& all in the south.
Also read more of Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. Found the chapter on the "Ethnic Theory of Plane Crashes" very interesting. Maybe I'll talk more about that in a later blog.
I watched a documentary on the making of Steinways. I know, it's somewhat work related, but I truly love music, and absolutely love pianos. So, here's to Note by Note, and it's wonderful work in tracking the creation and life of Steinway L1037.
AND...the proudest moment of the snow break. I sewed. This is a monumental moment in my life, folks. Made something with cloth and thread and a sewing machine. And the world isn't coming to an end.
My dad's response? "Help me out, here. Is this really my daughter? The I 'don't want to take any elective that has ANYTHING to do with cooking or sewing' daughter?" Well, Dad, I've grown up a little and learned that cooking and sewing have their place. I took all music electives in high school...and college...and grad school. So now, all my free time is spent in music. Careers in music & education don't usually allow for much free time, so put the two together, and you get a life with no life outside of music education. BUT, throw in a huge winter storm, and you might actually get real free time. In which case, I have to find hobbies for myself, right?! Last year, I found out that I love cooking, especially with chef Josh in the house. And today, I found out that I hate sewing but that I somehow found satisfaction in completing an apron after 6 hours of rethreading a sewing machine approximately 54 times. sigh.
At least a day full of ESPN basketball was on in the background.
p.s. OHIO STATE lost. I'm getting excited for March.

I just LOVE this apron....and the blog!!